Fr . John Curmi and his team up to collect food and other needs for families in need in Peru `. Anyone who wants to participate can have food products in Reception, to offer all of our side Hampers for this purpose . For the convenience of everyone , who favours can leave a donation of money ( as you desire ) in Reception . With these funds we buy various products that are listed in the list.
The choice is in your hands and we ask you to be generous as were always been.
the H.O.W.J . will bring a container at MCAST on the 17 and 18 of December to distribute our Hampers to Peru ` .
Therefore , please bring your offerings until the 17 of December to reach and organize the Hampers .
You can bring products as mentioned below :
• Packages rice
• Condensed Milk
• Legumes ( peas , beans , lentils etc . )
• Ssugar bags
• Biscuits
• Confectionery , wafers , chocolate
• Packet soups
• Dadi chicken
• Preserved Food in cans like :
– Corned beef
– Luncheon meat
– Tuna oil
– Beans
– Sausages
• Exercise books , Biros , pencils , colors
Avoid products with flour and pasta
Important date of expiry is on each product and must be from 2015 onwards .
Thanks for your help