Dear Students,

The MCAST International Office would like to inform you that a Call for Applications under Erasmus+ VET is currently open. Erasmus + is offering a three week minimum work placement opportunity in Europe during summer 2016 or during the academic year 2016/2017. This is a great opportunity to gain work experience in your area of studies in another European country apart from experiencing a different European culture.
Erasmus+ will provide funding for flights and subsistence. Other details such as accommodation, dates and countries cannot be communicated at this early stage.

We encourage you to apply by filling in the Erasmus+ VET application form attached to this email. The MCAST International Office requires the following documentation:

  1. One original application
  2. 2 copies of your application
  3. 3 copies of Europass CVs
  4. One application/cv sent as an email attachment to

Students with special needs can benefit from additional support including the possibility of an accompanying person.
Kindly submit your application by not later than 20th May 2016 at the International Office, floor 1, Student House, MCAST Main campus. We strongly encourage you not to miss out on this unique opportunity. Make sure that your applications are signed by the director of your institute as indicated.

Should you need any assistance please do not hesitate to contact the MCAST International Office on 2398 7408 / 2398 7219.

Download Application Form Erasmus+ for Vocational Education and Training