Today, was a different day for the IICT lecturers and administration staff where all of us met at the 'Dar il- Hanin Sammaritan' St. Venera. The event was organised by the Directors and Neil Aquilina where a programme was set up to enhance the team building between lecturers and the administration staff due to the large cohort and current changes happening around the institute.
The event started at 9:30am with a welcome tea and a short video introduction on team work. Further on two icebreakers and a workshop on the current hurdles faced by both the lectures and administration were delivered to teams of 20 led by a team leader. Finally, after a coffee break both the Director and the Deputy gave their notices on the current and future happenings of the institute as a form of a staff meeting.
We would like to say thank you for this activity as it was very fruitful and well organised.