The Institute of ICT at MCAST organised the student projects EXPO on Tuesday 2nd July from 17.00 to 21.00, at the MCAST Student Hub. The EXPO provides a platform for the students across levels 2 and 6 within the MCAST Institute of ICT to showcase their work and highlight the emerging technologies which are being researched within our institute. Research topics include Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Games Development, Blockchain-enabled applications, AI, Computer Networks and more. The eSkills Malta Foundation supports the ICT educational system across the board and works incessantly to increase the numbers and the quality of resources. MCAST is one of the major providers for ICT Professionals. Students end up working in industry or taking on further studies or both. The year the Foundation was invited to participate in a panel regarding the students and the industry. Carm Cachia, Chief Administrator of the Foundation spoke about the importance of bringing the knowledge learned to practice, and also highlighted the important tasks within the industry that lays ahead for them.
Following this, the first 3 ranked students for the projects in Level 6 were presented with a cash award for their achievement. Mr Axel Curmi ranked first with his project entitled “Academic Achievement Recognition and Verification using Blockchain”, followed by Mr Michael Joe Cini with “Development of an Interactive Augmented Reality System as a Medium for Historical Facts”, and then Mr Kevin Borg with the project on “Using AI and NLP Techniques to Perform Automatic Text Summarization in the English Language.