This website was created as a result of an assignment, given to 2HND Software students. The purpose of this website was to allow clients that visit, the chance to purchase clothes online. Administrators were to be given access to pages, whereby they could make changes to, Orders, Stock, Products, and Categories, while some administrators could also assign roles to user accounts, and permissions to these user roles. This system of roles and permissions allowed the website to be more secure, as not all administrators could change/access all the features.

The main features of this website was the catalogues page, where guests and registered users alike, are allowed to view, filter and add products to cart. The filter system is accessed through a link where a panel is shown or hidden accordingly, and the “add to cart” feature is found as a link button under every product listing. Once a product is clicked a more detailed description of that product pops up in a separate dialog box.

If the client is satisfied with the items in his cart, he can proceed to the checkout page, which is accessed through a link in the header named Cart. Users that click this will be redirected to the checkout page, were they can make changes to the order if need be.

The Confirm button invokes a dialogue which asks the client for his credit card information, this is required to complete the transaction. If at any time the client wishes to remove items from cart he simply has to delete it by pressing the “X” button next to the product, or if the quantity of an item is changed to zero the product is removed from cart.

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